If you are pregnant, then for these nine months it is really very crucial for you to keep a check on your nutrition. It is so because in this case when you are pregnant your eating habits or your nutrition will not only affect you but also it will be effecting the growth of your baby. So, we will see how to cook kale for all the pregnant ladies here. It is so as there are so many studies and research and data that show various benefits of eating kale during pregnancy.

Other than the procedure for cooking kale, we will also see information regarding the intake of fruits during pregnancy. So, here we will also see what fruits to avoid during pregnancy. Yes, eating kale is one thing but there are also some fruits that you do need to avoid when you are pregnant.

First of all, let us start the discussion with the procedure of how to cook kale then further in the latter part of the blog we will see what fruits to avoid during pregnancy.

How to cook Kale for a pregnant lady?

Well, if you have to feed Kale to a pregnant lady, there are various ways and forms in which you can serve them with it.  Here we will discuss the making procedure for all of those forms.

Some popular ways and means for feeding Kale to a pregnant lady are as follows

  • Salads – It is good for you to take Kale leaves as Salad if you are pregnant you just need to get some fresh leaves of Kale and you can add them easily to your salad diet.
  • Soup – You can also cook kale for a pregnant lady in the form of a soup, for that you will have to boil the Kale, next you should add some butter to it along with the finely chopped onion. The next thing that you should do is add Kale leaves to it and then put it to boil at last with just a pinch of salt and Pepper.
  • Kale Smoothie – This is another delicious way of eating Kale if a lady is pregnant, here further we will see the procedure to cook Kale Smoothie.

The Kale Smoothie cooking procedure goes as follows –

  •  You will have to add at least 6 frozen bananas
  • One can also put avocados if banana is not available
  •  Next please do add some blueberries, strawberries, and cherries as well
  • Now, the next thing in the blender should be properly washed and dried fresh Kale leaves
  •   After this, the next thing for you to add to this is 1/3rd cup of Yogurt or almond milk
  • Also, you should add the flax seeds
  •  In order to blend it all smoothly, you will have to add a spoon of peanut butter and water
  • Once all of it is blended well the smoothie is then ready for serving

Now if we look at what fruits to avoid during pregnancy, then the list for that goes as follows-

  •  Pineapple
  •  Papaya
  •   Watermelon
  • Dates
  •  Canned Tomatoes

Conclusion-So, here is how you can cook kale for pregnant ladies, and also you can easily get the list of the fruits which should be avoided during pregnancy.